Odenton Day is coming! This annual event was cancelled last year but returns on Saturday, October 2, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
at the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company, 1425 Annapolis Road.
Free Refreshments are available. Tables will be set up from county agencies, small businesses, and community groups. The Fire Company will hold a Fire Prevention Open House. The Odenton Heritage Society will have their museum open for tours at 1367 Odenton Road.
To sign up for a table, contact Bruce McPherson bmcpherson73@verizon.net
Open House inquiries can be made by calling the fire company at 410-551-5151.
The event is hosted by the Odenton Improvement Association, Odenton Heritage Society, and the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company.