In August 2019, Joe McPhail of the Odenton Volunteer Fire Company (OVFC) received the Spirit of Service Award from the American Legion at their 101st National Convention in Indianapolis.
When Joe joined the OVFC, he was an instructor at the Naval Academy. He had been on aircraft carriers; hydraulic engineering is his passion. Most sailors are already firefighters to begin with. He took one class after another and always did excellent in the classes. Joe’s ability to comfort patients, or in the case of children, to comfort their parents, is great. He is a leader and runs the crew when no officer is available. He rides the seat and makes the calls. It is not an easy job but he has taken to it and embraces responsibilities. Joe serves as a mentor to lesser-experienced volunteers, a role he excels in. He is a member of the Thursday night duty crew. He generally picks out the training they will be doing that night. Being an instructor, he knows how to teach people in different ways, more hands on, or find out what motivates them better. Joe is a valuable member of the OVFC.
Check out this YouTube video from the American Legion web site