18% OF ARSON FIRES ARE SET IN BUILDINGS According to the U.S. Fire Administration and the National Fire Protection Association, there are more than 16,000 intentionally set fires in homes every year, resulting in an estimated 300 deaths, 700 injuries and $500 million in direct property damage. The average dollar loss for an intentionally set […]
HOTEL AND MOTEL FIRES ARE COMMON Fire safety is not typically front of mind for most people when making travel plans, however, fires in hotels and motels are extremely common. Here are some of the things you need to know about keeping your family safe when staying in hotels and motels. Hotel Fire Safety: Did […]
YOU CAN QUIT, IF YOU’VE TRIED, TRY AGAIN. The 2021 national estimates for residential building smoking fires and losses show that there were 7,800 fires, 275 deaths, 750 injuries and $361,500,000 in dollar loss. Here are some things you need to know about keeping your home and family safe! Smoking Fire Safety- Helpful Hints Smoke […]
Home Recovery
CLEANUP WILL TAKE TIME A fire in a home can cause serious damage. The building and many of the things in your home may have been badly damaged by flames, heat, smoke and water. You will find that things the fire did not burn up are now ruined by smoke and soggy with water used […]
Garage and Basement
THEY CAN SPREAD FASTER Garage and basement fires can spread farther and cause more injuries and dollar loss than fires that start in other areas of your home. Here are some things you need to know about keeping your home safe! Garage and Basement Fire Tips Store oil, gasoline, paints, propane and varnishes in a […]
responsibility is now yours Going to college is an exciting time for students and their parents. Living in a new “home away from home” not only gives young adults more freedom to make their own choices, but it also provides them an increased level of personal responsibility while at school. When it comes to on- […]
REMEMBER, THE BUILDING IS SHARED People living in an apartment building need to think ahead and be prepared in the event of a fire. It is important to know the fire safety features in your building and work together with neighbors to help keep the building as fire-safe as possible. If you live in an […]
Fire Sprinklers
PROPERLY INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED FIRE SPRINKLERS HELP SAVE LIVES. Because fire sprinklers react so quickly, they can dramatically reduce the heat, flames, and smoke produced in a fire. Fire sprinklers have been around for more than a century, protecting commercial and industrial properties and public buildings. What many people don’t realize is that the same […]
Burn Prevention
EVERY 60 SECONDS Most “fire-related injuries” are burns. In fact, approximately every 60 seconds someone in the U.S. sustains a burn injury serious enough to require treatment. Increased awareness of the dangers can prevent injuries. Here are some things you need to know about preventing burns and keep your family safe! Protecting Your Children From […]
MIDNIGHT TO 6 AM Electricity helps make our lives easier but there are times when we can take its power and its potential for fire-related hazards for granted. Electrical malfunction is the leading cause of home fires year after year. Here are things you need to know about protecting your home and your family! Home […]